Malawi Vernacular Architecture
Documentation for Preservation

Burnt Bricks
Burnt bricks are bricks that are formed in molds, laid out to dry for some time and then stacked to form a kiln. They are then burned to harden and thus becomes more durable.

The "mud" for the bricks usually is obtained right at the homestead. The pit, overtime will be filled with compost and covered over.

Mud is packed into a wood form and laid out in rows to dry. Once the bricks are stiff enough, they are piled up in order to be stacked.

The bricks are stacked in a particular style which creates openings at the base.
Wood is piled into these openings and then set ablaze. Once the wood is burning the openings are sealed off with bricks and the wood will burn until it is exhausted.
The heat from the fire is intensified by being enclosed. It is this process that hardens the bricks.
When the fire has died out, the bricks are ready to be taken from the kiln and used in construction.
The amount of wood used to fire these kilns is staggering. Malawi is currently experiencing a huge deforestation problem.

Once the bricks have sufficiently dried, stiff enough to be moved, they are stacked together to form a kiln.

Check out the google search for "deforestation in Malawi" to find pictures and articles .